The School of Forest, Fisheries and Geomatics Sciences (SFFGS) is pleased to announce the hiring of Dr. Yue Li, Assistant Professor of Environmental Education. Dr. Li comes to FFGS from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, where she was an assistant professor in the School of Education. She earned her Ph.D. in environmental education from Cornell University in 2017. Dr. Li’s Read More
USDA Urban Agriculture Hydroponic Organic Tabletop Strawberry Project A team of UF/IFAS, FAMU, and UGA scientists are engaged in cutting edge research analyzing various strawberry cultivars grown in a tabletop hydroponic organic system under a high tunnel. The innovative aspects of this project include the urban context, including research and Read More
2/19/25 GI-BMP in Orange County + Sun Spot Safety Lunch with Swag!
Our Extension agents are here to help. UF/IFAS has Extension offices in each of Florida’s 67 counties as well as 12 Research and Education Centers (RECs), Research and Demonstration Sites (RDSs), and several other offices are located throughout the state. More...
The PIE Center takes an interdisciplinary approach to examine how people think about, form and act on opinions regarding complex agricultural and natural resources issues, enabling the public and policymakers to make informed decisions to preserve Florida's agricultural and natural resources assets. More...
The UF Water Institute brings together teams of leading researchers, educators, and students to address complex water issues through innovative interdisciplinary research, education, and public outreach to develop fundamental science, technologies, and policy alternatives for emerging ecological, agricultural and water supply issues. More...
The CLCE promotes the protection and preservation of Florida's natural resources and quality of life through responsible management of horticultural landscaping and turfgrass. The interdisciplinary center has faculty throughout the state advancing research, Extension, and education efforts in multiple fields. More...
The Florida Climate Institute is a multi-disciplinary network of universities in Florida working together and with external partners in the public and private sectors to achieve a better understanding of climate variability and change, impacts, and societal response. More...